The little Anterran



In the last issue of the little Anterran, Isagi was forced to leave his friends - the Rescue Rangers.

And just as the story started to get really emotional - a flashback hit me.

T'r Syll'n, an Anterran bounty hunter, stormed into the royal palace on the Anterras. While demonstrating her ability to infuriate most males, she struck a deal with the Dark Overlord to kill the pesky teenager, got four top-quality henchmen to join her, and walked out of the place.

Two seconds later, Isagi and his friends were having a picnic. T'r Syll'n dropped in on the scene. She hit Isagi with some kind of stun weapon, then turned her attentions on the Rescue Rangers and put them to sleep as well.

And thus continues the Farewell Story,

There's more than one way to skin a bounty hunter.

It must have been some time before Isagi regained consciousness. He had no idea where he was, or where his friends where. He opened his eyes and realized that he was inside of a small, circular room. A soft yellow light illuminated a polished, metallic grey ceiling and floor.

'Where am I?' He thought. His senses shifted to cover the planet. No longer was he in a sunny park on planet Earth, but on another planet in his home dimension, Otherworld.

The little Anterran suddenly realized he was trapped on Terraria, home to one of the most despised races in his dimension - the Terrarians.

His senses unexpectedly fell back to normal and the shining yellow field of the cage was once again in his sight.

'Huh, a force barrier,' he thought.

My vison zoomed out of the cage to focus on the trap holding the mouse-sized alien.

A solid grey cylinder seemed to come from the floor beneath him and another loomed above. The force barrier was sandwiched in between the two and provided the insurance that he wouldn't get out so easily. If the force barrier was destroyed, the upper cylinder would drop and surely crush him.

Isagi looked out of the cage. A silvery metal room with three passages surrounded him. The portals were in what Isagi guessed to be the north, the south, and the east walls. Isagi assumed he was in the southeast corner of the room. He tried to sense his friends, but couldn't.

'Maybe the force barrier's interfering?'

T'r Syll'n walked in from the northernmost doorway. The same pistol that stunned him was at her hip. She was bereft of her usual battle regalia, and only chose to wear a form-fitting black outfit. Her trademark colorful swirl of hair swayed as she walked over to the trap.

"How do you feel, Isagi?" she bent down and asked him politely.

'What have you done with my friends.' Isagi's voice shook her.

"I haven't done anything with them.. yet. Did I forget to tell you, the High Counsel's having a banquet tonight? I've been invited and you haven't."

She stuck out her tongue at him and made a teasing sound.

"Guess who the appetizers are? And oh! Did I forget to mention that I prepared something special for your mouse friend? What was her name..? Gadget?"

T'r Syll'n knew of Isagi's protectiveness for his first friend.

"What have you done to her!" his facade broke and he started to shout.

"Nothing much, just a little experiment." she said.

She knew extremely hurt Isagi would be if Gadget was gone. Isagi's face turned to the look of shock and horror when T'r Syll'n's thoughts became clear in his mind. Inside of her mind, he saw Gadget running through an underground tunnel.

Gadget jumped over a pipe jutting out from the brick wall. She was being chased by.. something.
A shapeless mass was right behind her, around an illuminated bend.
Whatever it was, It was catching up quickly.
Gadget tripped and fell into a puddle.

The vision faded and Isagi saw T'r Syll'n's beautiful face. She was smiling.

"I never knew an Earth mouse could scream so loudly," She stated.

Isagi dropped to his knees and hit the ground with clenched fists. A tear slowly ran down his left cheek.

T'r Syll'n was getting through his tough Anterran skin and hurting him.

"She can't be dead, No! She can't!"

"Oh, but she is.." The bounty hunter responded.

Isagi summoned energy and was about to self destruct. He could have wiped out the entire galaxy he was in, just to get rid of that malicious bounty hunter, but then he remembered Gadget. She would never have wanted him to do that.

How many times had she told him that blowing things up wasn't right. A thousand? Maybe two..?

T'r Syll'n watched him, tapping her foot in anticipation of something he didn't yet realize.

After she realized her plan to get rid of him didn't work, she gestured to one of the portals. One of her new henchmen walked into the room. He was carrying a cage between his squared off Anterran digits.

Isagi's attention was immediately caught by the cage.

'Are they alive?' he thought, 'Please!'

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw all of the Rescue Rangers. After that he looked right at T'r Syll'n and a soft telepathic growl filled the room.

"Bohran - you toyed with my heart, the one part of an Anterran that no one should ever harm." Isagi's tone matched his feelings, "You wanted me to destroy myself. I thought my friends were gone. Your fate will reflect what you tried to do to me."

"Not if you die first, Isagi-Paltiel," she assaulted back.

He grinned back at her, silently.

An unreadable thought floated into everyone's minds.

T'r Syll'n was forced to shiver.

She stood there pondering about how to get rid of the tiny Anterran, then an idea came to her.

"Devon," she said to the squared off warrior in the room, "Take the pink one in the.." she paused and made a hmm'ing sound.

"light.. blue.. clothes out of the cage," she made the decision in color with obvious difficulty and continued, "and place her on the ground."

'Pink?' Isagi thought. Then he realized T'r Syll'n was talking about Gadget.

'What are you doing?!' His voice shook the barrier as the mercenary lifted his friend out of the cage.

A sharp spike of energy appeared from his right fist.

"I didn't just go to Earth to capture you, Isagi Paltiel," T'r Syll'n answered, "I also wanted to take back a souvenir of that place's pitiful ecology."

Back in the cage, with the other Rescue Rangers, Monterey Jack tried to say something, but began to shake and mutter.

"C. . C. . C. . " the mouse pointed and stuttered.

A stubby, pudgy, white feline walked into the room from the northern portal. The cat focused directly on Gadget with a predatory stare. Gadget stood there and froze.

"C.. Cat!" he yelled.

"Remember me, dearie?" the cat taunted Gadget. Gadget heard her, but was too frightened to do anything.

They had met before, on Earth. The last thing I remember about their encounter was an image of that cat getting shaved like a french poodle by a food processing machine. Grizly, but hilarious.

Isagi instinctively attacked the force cage. He needed to protect his friend, but all his efforts did nothing.

The spike of energy on his hand bent when it hit the field and his blasts of force rebounded inside the trap whenever he fired them.

The cat stalked closer to Gadget, extended her claws, and smiled. She lifted her paw for a final swipe.

"Gadget, run!" Monterey Jack yelled.

The little mouse didn't move, she was too paralyzed with fear.

Isagi fell into a state of deep concentration when the cat came within striking range of Gadget. Everything began to slow around him. He touched his palms together and sat cross-legged on the pedestal.

A storm began to build within the trap and the room. Isagi's fuzzy-black spike of a style was blown around by an invisible wind.

Isagi opened his eyes, suddenly breaking the meditative trance.

Thunder boomed in the room. Gadget was enveloped in a cloak of crackling yellow radiance. Isagi had used magic for the first time in his life. (He had learned it from watching Ninja, and Ninja in video games on Sol.)

The feline swiped twice at Gadget with her claws, but the magical barrier protected the frozen mouse. The field released a thunderclap with each strike, pushing the cat's sharp claws away.

Isagi realized the magic he weaved wouldn't last much longer. Gadget had to get out of there, and soon. The field could only deflect one more hit.

'Gadget, run! NOW!' His thoughts reached her.

Isagi's telepathic words were stronger than the fear holding her. She snapped out of her trance and ran to the other Rangers. The cat watched the sonic field flicker and disappear as the mouse ran away.

Isagi clenched his hands together and a sword of energy flared up between them. It was shaped like a katana and glowed soft blue/green.

"You couldn't break out of there even if you exploded!" T'r Syll'n laughed at him, "Your force sword can't even scratch its way out!"

Isagi plunged the shimmering sword deep into the monolith beneath him and shouted, "KHIYA!" His body exploded in a blast of blinding light and sound.

The force field that held him in the trap, and supported the column above him, was shattered into billions of tiny slivers.

T'r Syll'n laughed, but quickly did a double take when flickers of light began to converge between the two cylinders.

Isagi reformed right where he was standing with his sword in hand. A menacing look was directed at where the bounty hunter stood. A few white hairs slowly appeared in her long multicolored pony-tail.

Then the cylinder above the little Anterran fell and pushed the other one several meters into the floor below, leaving a perfectly round crater for everyone to see.

T'r Syll'n gloated, "He did it for me, just like I planned!"

Isagi Paltiel was crushed!

That's what his friends thought when they saw the metal cylinder drop. The Rescue Rangers barely had time to realize what had just happened; Dale was sorrow-stricken when the little Anterran died, no one he knew could ever beat Mortal Kombat XXVII like Isagi did. (By throwing the machine against a wall when he didn't reach the block button quickly enough).

Monterey Jack had found someone who hadn't heard all of his stories, and actually seemed to enjoy hearing them more than once!

Gadget had grown accustomed to having him around. He always smiled and seemed to enjoy whatever Chip and Dale put him through. That and how easy is it for a mouse to find a force-10 aviation lift, let alone at three in the morning?

The metal monolith creaked and moved. T'r Syll'n's priceless expression shifted from all smiles to shock. The cylinder flew straight out of the floor. It left a tear in the ceiling that resembled the detonation of a small explosive above.

My guess is that the cylinder was put in a low orbit around Terraria, it'll probably be called a new moon, or a weather satellite.

Isagi climbed out of the pit. His blue jumpsuit was completely covered in dust. He clenched his hands into fists and the dust on his jumpsuit violently jumped into the air. His arms were pointed at the white cat and he opened his fists. A bolt of searingly-bright neon-blue flame hit the animal.

The cat was left flattened against the wall as thin as wallpaper. ('Devon, hand me the putty knife,' was my first thought upon seeing that) Isagi had made certain that the cat wouldn't cause anyone any more harm.

He fixed his attention on the treacherous bounty hunter.

"We can talk this over, right?" T'r Syll'n's voice sounded softer than usual. A weak grin was on her face.

"Now, T'r Syll'n," Isagi spoke slowly, for dramatic effect, "You will die."

She had never planned for Isagi's escape, so the first thought on her mind was to get as far away from the crazed Anterran as she could. She slowly stepped backward, toward the northern opening.

T'r Syll'n didn't have a chance, Isagi released enough energy at her to level a mid-sized planet. The blast flung her into the room behind her. It also chewed a huge hole in the doorway that led to the room.

In the other room, there wasn't even a trace left of her. Not even the air survived the little Anterran's energy attack. It seemed like she was completely gone, but I knew better. Isagi would never kill another living being.

Before, when Isagi was smiling at her, he telepathically promised to leave her in torment for the rest of her life. Now he felt that was wrong, so instead he took back part of his promise.

He teleported her back to Anterras in a rather compromising position. . . Isagi left T'r Syll'n in the Dark Overlord's chambers - bound, tarred, and feathered.

To Be Continued . . .

Isagi and other characters © 1995 little Anterran productions
Gadget © Walt Disney corporation