The little Anterran

Isagi Shorts

page two
All the divine entities agreed upon this plan and started to search their old universe for a candidate with enough caliber to run a mid - sized pocket dimension.

Zeus decided that a prime candidate for controlling a dimension would be found on Earth. So he and his fellow entities travelled there. Many mortals applied for the position, but none could match the criteria the gods were looking for. Zeus wanted a high intellect. Apollo wanted speed in travel. Hercules wanted the person to be strong. Pan only asked for a good (and slightly twisted) sense of humor. Joe Piscopo could have ruled over a small universe, unfortunately he didn't listen to Ed McMahon and forgot to mail in his sweepstakes certificate. The gods were in a fix. No one who applied could fill the job.

Zeus and his trio of deities started to scrounge the face of the planet looking for an able bodied mortal with brains and a sense of humor. They didn't find one. What they did find wasn't mortal, it was immortal. Hercules and his buddies happened upon an Alien. Without even interviewing it, they boosted its physical attributes up to a more godly level, gave it power over their newly created dimension, and shipped the extra - terrestrial off to the dimension they called 'Otherworld'.

The alien, because he was subjected to powerful energies and disintegrated atom by atom to be teleported, developed a mildly maniacal personality. Dubbing himself Otherworld Stalker, he set out on developing the small universe. He chose the Otherworld title for the dimension he lived in, and Stalker because he couldn't think of any better name at the time.

After he recovered from the psychological trauma of teleportation, Otherworld Stalker started creating planets and races to fill them. Because he had an extremely unique outlook on life, Stalker's creations also developed personalities with insane quirks. It was partially due because he endowed them with the same brain that he had.

Story © 1995 little Anterran productions
Characters © 1200 BCE Greek Mythos Inc.